Road Rules 5 chat

Premiere Chat | Finale Chat

Road Rules V Season Premiere Chat

MTVRock: Welcome Roni, Tara, Anne, Dan, Noah, and Jon to the MTV Arena on AOL.

Anne: hey guys what's up!!!!!

Jon: Welcome everyone to our good chat!

Noah: Hey...thanks for coming out...looking forward to chillin'.

Roni: Hi Anne!

MTVRock: Just a note...we're waiting on Dan and Tara....and they'll join us shortly...

Jon: Roni doesn't care about anybody but us...

Anne: Roni........

Jon: Roni, how was work?

Roni: I'm a little confused right now. I'm trying to figure this out.

MTVRock: This season's six (yup -- the ante's been upped) cast members will travel the U.S. and Canada ("The Northern Trail") in ye olde Winnie following clues and fulfilling missions. The team will gladly (mmm hmm) surrender all their money and credit cards before filming begins, forcing them to live by their wits and any cash they can make along the way, forever in pursuit of their "just reward" (and some good times).

We don't want to give too much away, but get set for a sizzling romance between two cast members, some caddying at the celebrity golf tournament in Seattle, weighing in with The World Wrestling Federation, and competing in extreme sports against former cast members of The Real World.

Here's a quick rundown on the new cast:

Roni: An 18-year-old dancer from Harlem, New York, fresh out of the LaGuardia School for the Performing Arts (a.k.a. the "Fame" school). Roni is a mix of innocence and street-bred maturity, and is very family-oriented.

Noah: Opinionated, direct, and at times brutally

Tara: With a down-to-earth demeanor that defies her UCLA-sorority-girl-from-the-valley easy to her, but relationships involving commitment do not.

Dan: A hunky 20-year-old from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Dan is the All-American boy. He's a jock but he's sensitive, and he's been in a serious relationship for two years. But can it last? Dan isn't so sure.

Anne: Smart and sexy, 23-year-old Tempe, Arizona native Anne is an accounting major who's still a kid at heart. She's fun-loving despite the tragedy she's endured, not the least of which was a serious car accident for which she had to undergo reconstructive surgery.

Jon: An art student from Boston, Massachusetts, 19-year-old Jon is quirky, insightful, and oddball videos with his friends and eating sugar packets (paper and all).

Jon: Roni, I love you. I haven't told you that in a while, but I do!

Roni: How sweet.

MTVRock: And speaking of questions...Ariel, the first question please!

MTV Ariel: PHIER210 opens us up by asking: how did it feel when you found out that you were picked to be on the show?
Roni: You saw my reaction. It was exciting.
Jon: I'm gonna have to go with soapy cause I had soap all over my face.
Roni: That was the first time I knew I was on the show.
Anne: I totally didn't think I got it and went out with my friends the night before
Noah: I actually saw Jake and Kalle running up to my door from upstairs--so I wasn't exactly surprised.
Anne: and then they show up bright and early.....darn
Roni: They picked out the wrong Roni at first.

MTVRock: NIKECH1C9 asks about conditions in the Winnie: Ok, Hi guys... Was it difficult to get along together in the Winnie?
Jon: I was really unhappy with the clothes that I ended up wearing cause they rushed me out of the house so I was wearing K-Mart shorts and a shirt I bought for fifty cents in CA -- I looked pretty funny!
Roni: You got used to everyone. You got used to being in small quarters.
Noah: I guess it was pretty tight quarters--but I tried to stay out of everyone's way.
Anne: Hey got really gross...we had a couple of sewage problems.
Jon: Yes... at times it was a little bit tough being day in and day out with the same people.
Noah:'s tough to live that close to anyone for 11 weeks, 24-7.
Anne: But you totally get used to it....:)
Roni: I used to take long bike rides to get away from people.

MTV Ariel: Thestud15 asks the question on everyone's mind: Who's gonna be tha first to score?
Roni: Not me.
Anne: Not me thats for sure.
Jon: Um...I don't have anything to say about that I guess.
Anne: Daniel......xoxo
Jon: I never score and I'm darn proud of it.
Anne: You go Jon
Dan: Hi everyone.

MTVRock: KaylLaf asks: what was your favorite place that you visited?
Noah: I really dug Toronto--they dance all night.
Jon: Tough... I'm gonna have to say the wrestling ring.
Noah: Jon--you're a tough fat bastard.
Roni: We had the most fun in Toronto.
Anne: I really liked the horse stalls in Calgary they smelled great!!!
Jon: LOL
Anne: kidding......probably Montreal
Roni: What was the name of the place where we were in the mountains?

MTV Ariel: SweetS523 poses the ever important question: Who was the most annoying out of the group?
Jon: me
Anne: oh no......
Noah: Annoying...or aggravating?
Anne: hey noah
Noah: Cause I take aggravating.
Jon: what was that name...
Anne: Noah and I fight quite a'll see
Roni: Everyone took turns.
Jon: I think Noah was the most aggravating, I was the most annoying, and Anne was the most consistently damaged.
Anne: soooooooo true
Jon: She got beat up like you wouldn't believe. She got a sprained ankle...
Roni: true.
Noah: and a sprained heart.
Anne: awwwwww
Dan: Nobody is gonna beat Jon with answers....
Anne: sarcastic
Roni: Please, Noah.
Anne: questions
Dan: Noah was the sprainer...
Noah: What's that about Dan?
Jon: Wow, thanks, Dan.

MTVRock: Just an update on Tara....they're having tech difficulties on the West coast...she'll be here shortly

Noah: Damn AOL.

Anne: geez.......

MTVRock: Pixystix6 asks about DANGER....: if you had to do one more dangerous thing what would it be?
Dan: I would like to skydive.
Noah: Drive the Winnie in NYC one more time.
Dan: Naked...
Jon: Spearing sharks with a knife underwater (as opposed to landsharks)
Roni: Drive a car.
Anne: lol
Noah: Roni, aren't you better at that by now?
Roni: No.
Anne: go on top of a plane like the islands cast...
Roni: You don't need a car in NYC.
Jon: Anne, I love your laugh cause I can hear it just reading.
Noah: Anne--you'd sprain something, though.
Anne: She has the subway and cabs......she don't need no stinking car
Jon: Dan, would you really skydive naked? Isn't that too much like something Jake would do?
Dan: Jon, I'd go skydiving naked only if Jon would go with swimming trunks on.

MTV Ariel: JPasc1677 needs to know: So what did you guys think of Jake streaking naked past you guys at the raceway?
Noah: Small--very small.
Roni: Jake had a hairy ass.
Dan: I won't comment on the size
Anne: I could have gone my whole life without seeing that......
Jon: I think Dan would look best singing
Anne: sooooo true

MTV Ariel: AL0HABuD1 ponders: Did any of you all get hurt on any of the missions??
Anne: lol...not me
Roni: Every mission, Anne.
Noah: Anne--a lot. I fell from 30 feet at Sean's little lumberjack thing.
Jon: Roni accidentally hit me in the face once. I had a black eye for the last week.
Noah: And, the Headbanger's kinda hurt me.
Roni: Jon, get over it.
Anne: sprained ankle, broken toes, food poisoning...etc's a jungle
Dan: I think Jon would look best on a carshow turning stage selling superwax 2000.
Anne: I have the worst luck
Dan: in a bikini with a banner that says "I buff for no one!"
Anne: lol
Jon: Noone's gonna beat that response, Dan, that was great.
Noah: Dan?? Is that really you? Or is Jay around?
Anne: that kills me
Jon: Roni, I'm over it. I just like to pull your leg.
Roni: Anne, when we dog piled Noah you got hit in the head.

MTV Ariel: Antares63 was wondering... Did all of you road rules member get along?
Anne: Thanks for bringing that one up and the leg lock with Dan
Jon: We were like the Brady Bunch, sometimes Greg and Marcia squabbled but we always ate dinner
Dan: How many of you got body slammed?
Jon: together.
Anne: whoa.........that did look bad
Jon: And Alice always cooked a tasty roast for our evening meal.
Roni: We bickered a little bit, but we got along overall.
Anne: overall we all love each other and totally stay in touch
Noah: We were like brothers and sisters--there was a lot of love, even when there was a lot of hate.
Jon: That's true. He's got a way with words, that Noah.
Dan: I faked every relationship that I had on the show.

MTVRock: Welcome Tara to the MTV Arena

MTV Ariel: JBrecke asks: what is it like to have your lives taped and displayed in front of everyone?
Roni: Dan, BS.
Jon: You don;t notice it after a while
Roni: You got used to the cameras.
Jon: For the first day or so you're a little self-conscious but after a week I forgot they
Roni: And I can't tell you what it feels like to be displayed, it's just starting.
Jon: were there.
Noah: The cameras weren't there--after awhile.
Dan: It wasn't like there were cameras in my face.
Tara: Hi guys, sorry I'm late, did you miss me
Dan: It was just like there were extra people in the room.
Noah: Hey T-Bags, of course.
Anne: at first the cameras were in the way kind of after a while you forget

MTV Ariel: Cal2arms inquires: Who Does most of the driving with your group?
Noah: Roni.
Dan: Noah drives.
Tara: Noah
Anne: ahem.......
Jon: Hey whisper twin #2 -- what took you so ding dang long?
Roni: Noah.
Noah: All right, all right--I admit I'm a driveaholic
Anne: Noah thinks he is the worlds best driver......
Noah: I AM.
Anne: better than girls
Dan: And if he's not driving... he's yelling at us to drive correctly.
Jon: That would be Noah... what was your Indian name again Noah?
Anne: funny how Tara won racecar driving
Jon: Something about feathers?
Noah: No, not better than girls--just better than you.
Tara: Hee Anne, guess who I watched the show with last night
Noah: Two feathers, Jon.
Anne: I didn't crash.......into a tree!
Noah: Watch it--nobody else could have done that obstacle course at Camp.
Anne: suuurrrreeeeee
Jon: No one's gonna get any of this...
Tara: TIMMY!!! Devin and Emily from season two and Vince
Jon: Sorry about that time I pressured you to drive, Roni, I feel guilty about it every day.

MTVRock: Ohshelly asks: It seems that four out of the six of you were paired up by the end of the first episode last night...Hadn't you learned ANYTHING from watching the previous casts?
Noah:Haven't you learned anything about editing?
Tara: It worked out really well, so I don't think there was a lesson to be learned
Jon: I didn't think we looked paired up, personally.
Dan: We had nothing to do with the pairings.
Anne: Noah and I don't get paired up if you know what I mean;)

MTVRock: Rsnzs5 asks: Did you ever feel like telling the camera guys to get out of your face?
Jon: We wouldn't change the way we did things because other casts made mistakes
Jon: we wanbted
Jon: to completely be ourselves and forget that we ever even saw those shows.
Roni: Only when we were crying or something.
Tara: Rarely, I really love the camera guys
Anne: yep....
Noah: I did once-- and then I got in theirs...nut I felt bad about it later.
Dan: Never. I didn't care.
Jon: The only thing I ever felt like doing was telling them to drop the cameras and hang out a little bit. They were so cool.
Anne: totally....
Roni: Oh, Dan lies.
Noah: totally... (Anne--ha, ha!)
Dan: I wanted to get behind the camera for a little while and turn it on them.
Anne: Noah you bug
Jon: LOL
Dan: Roni, I speak only in truths.
Noah: "You're purpose (Anne) on this trip is to aggravate me!"
Anne: true

MTV Ariel: O76chance wonders: what do you think the most fun mission was?
Jon: This is just like being in that Winnebago again. They can't talk to each other for more
Anne: that was your purpose
Tara: Wrestling
Noah: Fun--mmmm...Road Rules A Go-Go.
Jon: than 5 minutes without bickering.
Anne: hockey for suuuuurrrreeeeee
Roni: To have the pigs in Chicago.
Tara: you'll get to see Noah in drag
Jon: The funnest...
Noah: Yeah--hockey was great!
Roni: Noah loved it.
Dan: I'd go with hockey.
Jon: probably the Lake Placid Games, but its so hard because they
Noah: We played the mighty *ucks!
Tara: Wrestling
Roni: Really, my favorite mission was go-go dancing. And ER.
Jon: didn't pick any one mission that was like
Dan: I've never played with stationery wing women before.
Jon: another so its impossible to compare them.
Anne: ER was good...:)
Dan: Roni, you look tough dancing. I'm not the only one who thinks so.
Jon: Lake Placid wins just cause we were there for so long.
Dan: (Roomates)
Anne: totally........every guy loved the kick
Dan: Jon, you fat bastard.
Noah: I'll kill you!

MTVRock: Toadster9 asks: How will being away for 10 weeks change your lives?
Dan: Being in a different situation makes you learn things about yourself..
Tara: First you get fat and break out, and then you lose all sense of style
Dan: that you never knew before.
Noah: It gave me perspective on the endlessness of the world and myself....
Anne: you'll all be glad to know I'm more mellow and I'll eat everything (within reason:)
Jon: LOL Tara
Roni: You learn how to deal with different people, people you're not used to being around
Noah: it taught me to dream bigger than I had before.
Jon: I gained some sense of style, but that's cause I was hanging out with so many
Dan: Anne, how about cheesy potatoes?
Jon: cool people (giggle)

MTVRock: RES PEACE asks: Did you ever wish you could be on Real World rather than Road Rules?
Dan: Jon, quick sucking up...
Roni: Hell, no!
Dan: you had style to begin with... more than anyone.
Roni: Real World gets in your personal business
Tara: Absolutely not, on road rules you are always moving
Jon: I'd like to be on Real World and Road Rules and this new show, Catch Me If You Can
Roni: and you don't have fun, you just sit around looking at people you hate.
Dan: The missions were too tempting. Road Rules wins!
Anne: I like rr dont just sit around with nothing to many cool experience
Jon: and any TV show for that matter.
Noah: Real World doesn't seem fun--there's no crazy missions--just fighting and sex...
Jon: Put me on friggin Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I don't care.
Noah: Jon--looking to be a star?
Anne: but when the sewage overflows you wish you were in the nice house
Dan: Roni, if you thought cleaning the Winnie was tough... try a house!
Tara: This is what its all about

MTV Ariel: DeepEnmit asks: What was it like, JUST meeting 5 other people, then jumping off of a bridge on bungee cord with them?
Jon: What, Noah complaining about fighting and sex? That's your friggin' life.
Anne: I love not ashamed
Dan: Or at least in the front of the Winnie, Anne.
Noah: LOL, Jon.
Anne: at least you have someone to die with
Dan: That's the best introduction that I've had.
Roni: It was too cold to think about meeting 5 people or jumping.
Jon: Extremely overstimulating. That's why I was so nutty at the time and jumped
Dan: No time to chat... let's go.
Tara: Scary and Jon kept saying we're going to die
Jon: and got the duck.
Noah: Jumping was so scary...I didn't care about meeting anyone to after. I figured I'd die.
Anne: very funny dan

MTVRock: JMU55 asks: Roni, weren't you kinda disappointed about missing prom? And what about your date? Did he know ahead of time?
Dan: That water was cold. (Shrivle Shrivle). How about you, Jon?
Roni: Yes, but I knew I was going to do something bigger and better. No, I didn't know ahead of time,
Jon: Yah, I shriveled up real good.
Anne: your poor date
Roni: And my date broke his foot the night before, so I took my friend who didn't care that I left.
Jon: He was just a friend, right Roni?
Dan: A Friend with benefits.
Noah: "Oh baby you, got what I need..."
Dan: don't be coy.
Roni: FU, Dan and Jon.
Anne: I have a song for everything!!!!

MTVRock: Nicklvr31 asks: Who did u guys feel closest to our of your whole group and why?
Anne: hey sailors
Dan: That fascinating cut.
Dan: That's fascinating... CUT!
Anne: lol
Roni: Everyone was about the same.
Noah: I think I had close moments with everybody...but Anne and I could talk about anything.
Tara: I felt really close to Anne, she is so funny.
Dan: The other half of whisper.
Jon: It changed for me throughout the trip. Its tough to compare how I felt about different
Anne: We were all pretty close......tara and I were really close...shes my baby chicken
Jon: people. Its tough to compare your feelings.
Dan: Jon, nobody likes Switzerland... you copped out on an answer.
Anne: neutral guy

MTVRock: Okay, we've got time for one last question...

MTV Ariel: JamieSueC gets in the lucky last question: Has this experience changed you as a person? If so, in what way?
Anne: jamie!!!!
Roni: Definitely.
Jon: I know that I am better at letting people know how I feel about things.
Noah: I think Jon changed his underwear...with the better business stuff..
Dan: It's shown me how the decisions that I make affect other people.
Roni: I've learned about people who aren't from a big city..
Jon: I'm more confident about myself and more willing to risk failure.
Roni: So much, I can't even explain it. All of our missions changed me.
Noah: I put in perspective my relationships and love stuff..
Anne: totally...I don't freak as much ,,,,,,I'll eat food off the ground and i horde(SP?) money
Noah: but I changed more than I can type in five minutes.
Dan: Change is inevitable.
Jon: Yah, that's way too tough a question.
Noah: Change is the only thing that is constant in life.
Tara: Absolutely, just getting different people's perspectives make yoy learn so much

MTVRock: Okay, we want to thank the cast and audience for their participation in this excellent event. Thanks guys!

Jon: Anytime. I love anything involving these five goof balls.
Roni: I love you guys. Miss you. Talk to you soon.
Jon: Keep watching the show. It gets even better, trust me. Everything you
Noah: Later guys, it's nice to hear from everyone at once.
Tara: I miss you guys (Road Rules FOEVA)
Anne: thanks everyone for your questions.....its nice to know people are watching
Jon: could ever ask for. All your wildest dreams come true.
Noah: ROAD RULES FOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne: xoxox hugs and kisses you guys....I love soon!
Dan: Noah, keep playing cuz I am.
Anne: LOL
Noah: By the way, it's all lies...all of it.
Anne: suuuuurrreeee....disclaimer
Tara: you wish, Noah
Dan: I'm out! Eagle Wing.
Roni: Noah, you're a liar.
Anne: me too yellow corn woman over and out

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